As part of REthinkthings mission to bring design to the wider public, we attended and held a stall at Capstan's Bazaar, in Liverpool on Sunday 14th of July. Bringing accessibly priced design led items to capture the imagination of the locals. Previously focused on London based trade shows, this display was a shift in direction for us, but a necessary step to broaden our reach. This relatively new, but highly regarded design, arts, crafts and food market was located at HAUS, in Liverpool's creative quarter, part of the
Baltic Triangle, established in the last five years to encourage people to get involved in a regenerative urban scene.
The market was busy, and it is the vision of the organisers to make it a regular feature on the city's creative calendar. It is hoped that Capstans Bazaar will become the primary destination for those seeking unusual gifts and local produce at great prices, in a market with a fantastic atmosphere.
REthinkthings set up stall next to many local artisans and businesses. On sale were new items for our range
including the Misnomer and Ambigram posters, which add a philosophical dimension to the interpretation of image and text, they tease the viewer with ambiguity and provoke a reveal in personal understanding through double takes and choice of orientation in display. We also showed the Cliff Hangers with their brand new packaging. REthinkthings new emphasis on graphics and communication in product design was obvious through the new goods selected for sale alongside some of our more established items, such as the Bauhaus Birdhouses, Handybags/Scumbags and the range of Accent Teatowels.
The event was a great way to introduce some our new affordable product collections and gain valuable feedback from the wider public and other creatives. It also gave us insight and inspiration whilst exploring some of the other local talent on offer. Our "Launch" candlestick holders signified the beginning of a new direction for the brand.
Located at the entrance of the market, we gained attention from everyone who
entered with the draw of street food, illustrations and other hand-crafted items surrounding us. It was interesting to note among Scousers that the most popular products were the Accent teatowels and Scumbags which appealed to the cheeky Liverpudlian sense of humour.
The event proved very popular and word of the REthinkthings brand was spread further into the
local community as many passers by sought further information, from our website. We hope to continue our engagement in these markets, maybe we'll see you next time! Feel free to like their facebook page for further updates.