Thursday 22 October 2009

another email

I have just finished watching you win the placement with Phillippe Starck and my heart was in my throat before they announced the winner - YOU! Your design spoke for itself - elegant, inspired by a passion for your own life experience and it was functional art, the ultimate compliment. But equally important, I was so chuffed that you won because of your professionalism and camaraderie throughout - right to the end you were helping Mike when many others would not have - that demonstrates massive strength of character. Am I someone that can help you in your career, probably not but if I can I def will. I just was motivated to contact a complete stranger, YOU, because you inspired me with your talent and your humanity....there is hope for us all :-)Happy to help however I can. I see from your website that Flo is not yet available for purchase, if that changes I would be interested as my mum may be in need of an elegant support.Heartfelt wishes for every success

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